The 3 Simple Words Guaranteed To Crush Every Goal In Your Life

Ryan Colby
4 min readNov 6, 2018
3 Words

#Truth: I do NOT feel like writing this post today.

In fact, I had to drag myself to this laptop and force my fingers onto the keyboard just to make this message happen.

It’s just one of those “blah” feeling type of days. You know, one of those times when you don’t feel like doing much of anything?

I faced the same struggle with my workout this morning too. I did NOT want to go to the gym. And my brain fought me every single step of the way:

Exiting my house — uggh.
Driving to the gym — double uggh.
Entering the building — triple uggh.
Starting with my first rep — quadruple uggh.

And to top it all off, my drive is only 1 minute away. I was very tempted to turn around so I could continue lounging in bed between the warm sheets.

But, somehow, I pushed through all these obstacles and did it anyway.

You know why? Because I can recall many days past when I DID skip my workout and felt deep regret about this simple choice.

No, this isn’t the type of regret that makes you feel guilty or shameful. It’s the type of regret you feel after realizing you missed out on something beneficial.

In this example of my workout, I would have forfeited the significant energy boost and sense of accomplishment that can only be felt after pushing my body outside its comfort zone.

And it was during my motivational mega-battle this morning when I remembered a critical life lesson I now want to share with you today…

There really is only ONE way you and I can achieve anything worthwhile in our lives…

During those tough times when you don’t feel like taking action, even though you know the activity will bring you closer to your goals — whether it’s achieving your “best” body, building that business you always wanted or raising kids you can be proud of…


You don’t feel like showing love to your spouse? Do it anyway.

You don’t like feel like giving your best effort at work today? Do it anyway.

You don’t feel like skipping that pizza for something healthier? Do it anyway.

You don’t feel like getting off the couch to play ball with your kids (or grandkids)? Do it anyway.

You don’t feel like writing a post to people you care about? Do it anyway.

Here’s a little secret: When you start your day off doing the RIGHT things — even if you don’t feel motivated to do them — something amazing happens.

A cascade of accomplishment develops throughout your entire day. I called it the Do It Anyway Domino Effect.

As a matter of fact, the only reason I’m pushing through my resistance and crafting this post right now is because I forced myself through that workout this morning.

I told my brain:

“Listen up! I AM the boss. I am the type of person who takes positive action even when my feelings tell me to do otherwise. So I WILL be working out this morning and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.”

Now this same attitude tilted toward action will automatically flow through the rest of my day — including this post I’m typing right now.

Remember, this empowering mindset can have the same positive effect in YOUR life. You just have to do it anyway.

But please realize none of us will be perfect all the time. I’ve worked out consistently for 15 years and built up pretty solid “do it anyway” discipline in this particular area of my life.

In many other areas, however — such as writing or calling my parents on a regular basis — I’m an immense work-in-progress.

So don’t always beat yourself up when you fail to take action. Strive for consistency, not perfection.

And most importantly:

“…never grow weary of doing good, for in due season you will reap, if you do not give up.” — Galatians 6:9

The road of life is a precarious journey.

Every so often, while driving along, you’ll encounter roadblocks. Construction zones. Falling rocks. 10-car pile-ups.

These are the so-called insurmountable challenges you MUST overcome.

Otherwise, you will never continue down that same road to achieve the success you want to experience in life — however you personally define it.

Yet, when the challenges seem a little too tough to bear and you’re just about to turn around, make sure you look up first. Because there’s always a road sign.

It says “Do It Anyway”.

Don’t ignore this critical sign in your life.

Its simple direction will keep you cruisin’ down the road toward whatever you set out to accomplish.

Even when you don’t feel like it.



Ryan Colby

A faith-driven family man, founder and fitness addict all rolled up into one pasty white burrito. | Co-Founder, Get Lean In 12